

“I have just received a tablecloth I ordered from you. The banksia one. It is a present for my son and his (german) bride. I wanted something Australian and special and as germans like their tablecloths I ordered yours. Now its arrived I want to keep it. I wont. The work and material is stunning and at the time I bought it thought it was expensive but it is such a beautiful special gift and I love it. I'm going to checkout your wallpaper. Thankyou.”



“...All my cushions look so gorgeous on my couch, thanks to your lovely designs.”



Hi Fiona,

My order arrived today, thankyou. I absolutely love both items, the flannel flower cushion is such a stylish print and I do like the colour very much and the scarf, luxurious, beautiful and feels amazing. You are very talented I am so glad I came across your website and Instagram page.


“Just letting you know the tablecloth arrived, and its wonderful, thankyou.”



“Hi Fiona, congratulations on your wonderful designs and products. I have several of your cushions and fabrics waiting in a box to be used. My partner and I have a farm property in south-east Sweden with a 1600s farm house under renovation. We are now in the process of retiring and moving over there. Soon we'll add on an extension to the house and one of the rooms will be a large sitting/lounge room. I'm calling it the Aussie room and plan to decorate with all Aussie-themed textiles and ornaments. So you can see where your beautiful items are going to go! Keep up the great work. Cheers,”



“Thanks so much Fiona!Your whole range is beautiful. So pleased I came across your website.”


“I cannot wait for this beauty to arrive! I have a vintage wattle dinnerset and am hosting a remembrance high tea for my late mother who loved wattle. Your stunning runner will complete the table-she would have loved it! Also, thankyou for not having ridiculous post-present-post-christmas sale. Stay true to your designs + divine quality. Heres to a wonderful fresh decade ahead.”



“Thanks Fiona- I love your work and already have some of your cushion covers and a tablerunner from a few years ago & thought it time to look at your website! Best Wishes”


My husband bought your banksia tablecloth for me a few years ago and I love it. I’ve just ordered your Corymbia one (one of my fav trees) … It’s for a wedding present I’m taking to an Australian in Spain soonish…..Hi Fiona, your lovely tablecloth has arrived, thankyou.
